One Step at a Time…

One step at a time…

Right foot, left foot, repeat…

This has become somewhat of a mantra for me – right foot, left foot, repeat… Walking… Moving… Not ahead of where I am and not behind… Doing the next thing… One step at a time…

As I took a morning walk recently, I noticed the moment — seeing the green leaves bursting on the trees, feeling the wind touch my cheeks and hearing it rustle through the leaves as they danced with the wind, smelling the fresh morning air, feeling my feet on the pavement, seeing and touching my dog friends as they passed by…

Walking at the start of my day, even before my morning coffee, has become a form of mindfulness practice for me; it helps me get out of my head and connect with my body and heart while connecting me with the present moment and helping create space for what’s ahead.

I’ve found connecting with my body and my heart is a practice, yes foreign at first, and now super helpful in offering a different perspective – different and deeper than my thinking mind… in some ways feels like it connects me to something beyond myself — or maybe this practice connects me to myself…

What I hear from others, “I feel like I live in my head.” “It feels foreign to connect with my body. And my heart?... I wouldn’t know where to begin.”

Begin where you are… One step at a time…

If you’d like to connect with a partner for support in your journey, reach out to me at:

With love, care, and gratitude,


Something I’m pondering…

“We are all works in progress. When we wake up each day, we get another chance at life; a chance to ask ourselves: ‘Who do I want to be – and who do I not want to be today?’”       - Dr. Joe Dispenza

Jennifer Reece, MA, NBC-HWC

I coach virtually worldwide.

Bridges Health Coaching, Courtland, Minnesota, United States


I’ve Been Thinking About Death…


Welcome to Touchpoints