
Embrace & Empower Circle

What Now? Circle

Embrace & Empower

Learn to Love Who You Are Circle

A Transformative Six-Week Journey

Embrace & Empower Circle Details and Registration

Duration: 6 Sessions


  • Session 1: Thursdays

    Dates: September 19, 26, October 3, 10, 17, 24

    Time: 6 - 7:30pm CT

  • Session 2: Saturdays

    Dates: September 21, 28, October 5, 12, 19, 26

    Time: 9 - 10:30am CT

Where: Virtually via Zoom

Cost: $495

We believe healing happens in community, and everyone deserves opportunities to connect and heal. With that in mind, we do not want cost to prevent anyone from participating in our Embrace & Empower Circle. If cost is a barrier to your participation please reach out for more information about available scholarships.

You're invited to join my colleague, Larey Swanson, MD, NBC-HWC, and me in the Embrace & Empower: Learn to Love Who You Are Circle - A Transformative Six-Week Journey.

Our Embrace & Empower Circle is a small-group relational experience based on ancestral and indigenous practices. Focused on building connection and community, the Circle experience offers a brave, supportive, empowering space to learn, explore and evolve. We will learn what it means to embrace who we are while exploring the transformative stages of self-awareness, self-compassion, self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, self-worth, and self-love.

  • Self-Awareness: Understand and recognize your true self.

  • Self-Compassion: Learn to treat yourself with kindness and understanding.

  • Self-Acceptance: Embrace your strengths and imperfections.

  • Self-Forgiveness: Let go of past regrets and move forward with a lighter heart.

  • Self-Worth: Recognize and honor your intrinsic value.

  • Self-Love: Cultivate a deep and abiding love for yourself.

In this sacred space, we will learn to leave judgment at the door and embrace our true selves. Our sessions will take place in a confidential, brave, and supportive environment, allowing you to explore and grow with the encouragement of a compassionate community.

Let's walk this path together and unlock the incredible potential within you. We can't wait to see you there!

“As I began to love myself, I found that anguish and emotional suffering were only warning signs that I was living against my own truth.”

— Charlie Chaplin

What Now? Circle

Join my colleague, Wendy Williams, NBC-HWC, and me in this Transformative Six-Week Journey

Life stage transitions can feel uncomfortable, itchy, at times utterly chaotic. We can feel confused, inspired, and everything in between.

Are you at a juncture of what now?

Are you at a juncture of what now? Whether moving from a diagnosis and treatment to a new chapter, transitioning to an empty nest, moving from being part of a couple to life on your own, or preparing to move from work to retirement, we welcome you to join us.

Our What Now? Circle is a small-group relational experience based on ancestral and indigenous practices. Focused on building connection and community, the Circle experience offers a brave, supportive, empowering space to learn, explore and evolve.

Together, we will...

  • Identify and build on our values, strengths, and desires.

  • Affirm who we are, who we want to be, and how we want to move forward.

  • Honor what is being left behind and envision what is next.

Let’s walk this path together with intention and grace. We can’t wait to see you!

What Now? Details

Duration: 6 Sessions


  • Days: Tuesdays
    Dates: October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, November 12

  • Time: 5 - 6:30 pm CT

Where: Virtually via Zoom

Cost: $425

Limited partial scholarships are available. We believe that community is the way of healing and recognize that barriers are real. If cost is a barrier to your participation, please reach out for more information about available scholarships.

What Now? Registration

“As you get older, you become the person you were always
meant to be.”

— David Bowie

I am part of an amazing group of coaches who love Circle as much as I do and are offering several Circles this fall — check them out here.