Welcome to Touchpoints

Welcome to Bridges Health Coaching

Dear Friends,

Welcome to Bridges Health Coaching, and thank you for saying “yes” to being part of this community! I am grateful for you and our shared journeys — I do not take either lightly. Human connection is powerful, and relationships and life are weaved together in beautiful ways that help create meaning, purpose, and healing, individually and collectively.

I have heard that we teach what we most need to learn. This is the case for me, and how Bridges Health Coaching came to be. Bridges Health Coaching was born from messy parts of my life, including my ongoing journey toward whole health and well-being. I have learned that life can be messy for any of us and can include feeling stuck, wanting to change, improve, or transform, and, at the same time feeling content and comfortable with the status quo, feeling change is too difficult or scary. My experience has been all of those things – challenged by discomfort, feeling stuck, wanting to move in a direction more aligned with who I want to be, and at times comfortable with the status quo.

Through these types of experiences, I connected with a desire to be of service to others, took a leap of faith to complete a master’s degree in Integrative Health & Well-being Coaching, earned my national board certification for health & wellness coaching (NBC-HWC), and now support others in bridging the gap between where they are and where they want to be. My health coaching work focuses on the “now what?” spaces of life — coming alongside others, meeting them where they are, helping them connect with who they are, who they want to be, what works for them and fits into their unique life situations when facing junctures like post cancer treatments, life-stage transitions, living with chronic illness, or simply life itself.  

This newsletter and the “Touchpoints” tab on bridgeshealthcoaching.com will be spaces for learning and sharing thoughts, ideas, and resources. If you know someone who may be interested in or benefit from either my coaching services or from receiving Bridges Health Coaching email updates please forward this email.

Thank you for being part of this shared journey.

Until next time… with love, care, and gratitude,


“May every part of you be welcomed — not just your joy and strength. May there be room for your grief & fatigue. May you find safe spaces where the fullness of your human heart can show up.”

- Dr. Thema Bryant

I coach virtually worldwide.

Jennifer Reece, MA, NBC-HWC

Bridges Health Coaching, Courtland, Minnesota, United States


One Step at a Time…