Empowering you to bridge the gap between
where you are and where you want to be.

Hello and welcome to
Bridges Health Coaching.

I am glad you are here!

Life is beautiful, amazing, and messy…

Sometimes in the complexity of this beautiful, amazing, messy life, we find ourselves at junctures of “now what?”

Perhaps you are here because you find yourself at a “now what?” juncture, navigating life’s complexities, feeling unsure about where to start, or how to approach making changes to move toward where you want to go.

Maybe your “now what?” is a new diagnosis or completing cancer treatment protocols and “now what?”

Perhaps you are in a life transition and “now what?”. Maybe you want to improve your overall health and well-being and “now what?”

At times like these, support can be helpful for getting clear about:

  • Your values and strengths

  • Who you are and who you want to be

  • Where you are and where you want to go

  • What is important to you

  • What fits into your unique life situation

My passion is helping people cultivate lives filled with meaning, purpose, and connection, and helping you move toward healthy and vibrant living.

Holistic health and wellness coaching

I look forward to the opportunity to thoughtfully partner with and support you in the “now what?” junctures of this beautiful, amazing, messy life.


“May every part of you be welcomed — not just your joy and strength. May there be room for your grief and fatigue. May you find safe spaces where the fullness of your human heart can show up.”

— Dr. Thema Bryant