Living Is An Active Process…

Get in the habit of asking yourself: “Does this support the life I’m trying to create, and the person I am trying to be?”

— Unknown

Living is an active process…

I recently read a blog post by ADAM MASTROIANNI and saw a beautiful visual of living as an active process. The post presented problems as either “diploma” problems or “toothbrushing” problems and it struck me how applicable this is to living healthy and moving toward who and where we want to be.

We often hope that living healthy is one-and-done – like earning a “diploma” — when living healthy is really like “toothbrushing” – doing something every day to claim or reclaim our health, to stay healthy, to do the thing(s) we want to do, to connect with our inner wisdom and live out from that space, and to gain confidence in all these areas.

We get the honor of living actively, creating a vision for ourselves and our lives that nudges us to take steps daily toward who we want to be and where we want to go… How will you do this in your life? How will you tune into who you REALLY are and connect with what you need inside of you? How will you create a vision for yourself that carries you through times when there isn’t motivation, or when things pop up and get in the way and you still want and need to brush your teeth? What feels helpful for you?

“We’re all works in progress. When we wake up each day, we get another chance at life; a chance to ask ourselves: ‘Who do I want to be - and who do I not want to be today?’” - Dr. Joe Dispenza

Living actively with love, care, & gratitude,


 Reach out if having a partner feels helpful as you live actively.

Consider forwarding this email to anyone you think may benefit from it or from working with me.  


Jennifer Reece, MA, NBC-HWC

Bridges Health Coaching

Empowering you to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be

I coach virtually worldwide




Beautiful Souls