Beautiful Souls

“Maybe the journey isn’t about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t really you, so that you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.”                    

 - Paulo Coelho

Hello Beautiful Souls…

Doesn’t it feel good to be called Beautiful Soul? My soul felt such love when I was recently reminded that I, too, am a beautiful soul. This reminder came from two friends – one long-time friend who reminded me that my beautiful soul touched her life and one more recent friend who addressed her text to me and another person as Beautiful Souls.

I think it’s easy to forget we are beautiful. We get bogged down, covered up - in belief systems, life’s complexities and messiness, and in caring for… kids, work, family, friends, etc.… We are so used to the output of love and care that I fear we forget we also need the input of love and care.

What might it feel like for you to connect with who you really are, Beautiful Soul?

Today I am reminding you, and me, that we are beautiful souls! My invitation is to breathe that into our hearts, visualize and hold onto that as we move through life and show up for ourselves and others. And if you, or someone you know, could use support and accountability as you move toward the vision you create and hold for yourself, reach out.

With love, care, & gratitude,



Jennifer Reece, MA, NBC-HWC

Bridges Health Coaching

Empowering you to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be

 I coach virtually worldwide

Bridges Health Coaching, Courtland, Minnesota, United States


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