
I am celebrating celebrating!

What are you celebrating?

In conversation with coaching colleagues this week the topic of celebrating came up. As coaches, we often work with clients to pause, notice, and celebrate - especially in small things. In this conversation with coaching colleagues, and interacting with my toddler grandson later, I recognized how often I don’t celebrate. I also noticed how good it feels to take a beat, notice, and celebrate.

The situation with my grandson involved stopping to celebrate something he did — it was playful and fun! We connected more with each other and our experiences of love and joy. Full disclosure, it wasn’t until my daughter offered her celebration of the event that I saw how I hadn’t paused to celebrate. And, when we celebrated we really celebrated -- twirling, dancing, and laughing together. It felt marvelous!

Celebrating large and small things can honor life, help solidify learning and growth, and encourage future actions. It releases dopamine, reinforces positive behavior, enhances feelings of connection, strengthens relationships, and can help move us toward action in other areas.

The celebration with my grandson was a perfect example of all these things and a perfect follow-up to the earlier conversation with my colleagues. It showed me the benefits of taking a beat, noticing, and recognizing the good things in life. All of that offered a deeper connection to myself, my grandson, and my daughter — and helped me remember the resilience in all of us!

What are you celebrating?


Living Is An Active Process…